Welcome! We are very glad you are interested in working at YEP and look forward to getting to know you.
Whether operating behind the scenes, working directly with our participants, or staffing YEP Bike Works or Thrift Works, all YEP team members play a critical role in the services we offer through YEP Works, YEP Enriches, YEP Mentors and YEP Educates. We work out of five sites including four in Orleans Parish: Central City, Mid City, the West Bank and New Orleans East. We also have a site in St. Charles Parish, where we are able to better reach the river parishes of Louisiana.
Thank you for your interest, and for considering YEP as you decide where you will commit your time and talent.

Why Choose YEP
YEP is a warm and caring place to work. We offer competitive salaries, benefits and professional development opportunities, and have a Leadership Team and Board of Directors who truly care about YEP team members. We are also the most creative, committed team in town!
Learn more about Our Mission, Our Team, Our Programs and
YEP’s Employee Benefits -- and imagine yourself on team YEP!

About Us
Founded in 2004, YEP is the one of the largest non-profit organizations in the Greater New Orleans region that provides comprehensive services to young people disconnected from school and work or impacted by the justice system.
We employ more than 50 staff, are governed by an engaged 24-member board of directors, and to date have operated with an annual budget of $6 million – of which about 50% comes from public contracts with local and state government agencies, and 50% is raised from private philanthropy.

Hiring Process
We only accept applications online. To apply for a job with YEP, visit our jobs page, click into the job posting that interests you, and then follow the prompts.
For most roles, we ask candidates to upload a cover letter and resume, and to complete a simple online questionnaire.
Read our Hiring Process FAQ to learn more.
Stay in Touch

Don't see anything that seems like a good fit right now? Stay in touch!
We can field questions, help you explore ways to get involved, or reach out directly when new positions align to your interests and experience.
JOIN OUR CANDIDATE PIPELINE. We send periodic updates about job openings and work hard to stay in touch with interested, qualified candidates.
MONITOR JOB OPENINGS. Check back often to view open positions.
SHOP YEP. Visit YEP BikeWorks or YEP ThriftWorks in person.
RECEIVE eNEWSLETTERS. Sign up below to receive more general updates about YEP.
“I have been with YEP since 2018. Part of what makes it so great is our reliance on such a rich diversity of perspectives and wisdom from all team members. This kind of inclusion and humility is essential to our mission.”
- Holly Hubbard, Director of Human Resources